VonShef Juicer Machine for Whole Fruits and Vegetables, Powerful Dual Speed Settings & Extra Wide Feeding Chute for Easy Centrifugal Juice Extracting – 500ml Jug 400W

VonShef Juicer Machine for Whole Fruits and Vegetables, Powerful Dual Speed Settings & Extra Wide Feeding Chute for Easy Centrifugal Juice Extracting – 500ml Jug 400W
Price as low as £44.99, as high as £44.99
Updated: 2020-05-27T11:14:34.880
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You can fetch any products and VonShef Juicer Machine for Whole Fruits and Vegetables, Powerful Dual Speed Settings & Extra Wide Feeding Chute for Easy Centrifugal Juice Extracting – 500ml Jug 400W at the best price online with secure transaction. We are the single site that give VonShef Juicer Machine for Whole Fruits and Vegetables, Powerful Dual Speed Settings & Extra Wide Feeding Chute for Easy Centrifugal Juice Extracting – 500ml Jug 400W with low price and obtainer\'s honest reviews. Grab it fast before it\'s gone!

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VonShef Juicer Machine for Whole Fruits and Vegetables, Powerful Dual Speed Settings & Extra Wide Feeding Chute for Easy Centrifugal Juice Extracting – 500ml Jug 400W Features

  • FAST AND EFFICIENT JUICING - Powerful 400W motor delivers fast results - benefits from automatic overheat protection and double safety lock for safe operation.
  • 2 SPEED SETTING - Dual rotation blade speeds achieve optimum juicing results from hard and soft ingredients. The lower rotation speed is ideal for soft items like berries, oranges and tomatoes, higher rotation speed is better suited to hard foods with a thicker skin, like apples and carrots.
  • EXTRA LARGE FEEDING CHUTE - To easily process larger fruits and vegetables - like mangoes and tomatoes - without chopping. Centrifugal action achieves impressive 60 - 65% juice extraction and comes with a 500ml juice cup to store your creations.
  • MODERN COMPACT DESIGN - Stainless steel finish and sleek modern design with large 1.5L detachable pulp container - helps keep mess to a minimum.

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