fnemo Multi Juicer Citrus Lemon Hand Squeezer Anti-Slip Silicone Kitchen Tools Electric Citrus Juicers
Price as low as £24.99, as high as £24.99
Updated: 2020-05-27T11:18:38.615
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fnemo Multi Juicer Citrus Lemon Hand Squeezer Anti-Slip Silicone Kitchen Tools Electric Citrus Juicers Features
- Material: PC
- Occasion: Casual
- Wide range of applications
- Convenience and space saving
- Comfortable and light in hand for easy control
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Brand | fnemo |
Manufacturer | fnemo |
Binding | Kitchen & Home |
ProductGroup | Home |
PartNumber | FMSB040284_G* |
Color | Green |
Height | 3.7401574765Inches |
Length | 5.118110231Inches |
Width | 4.330708657Inches |
Size | One Size |
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