First4spares Rubber Base Seals to fit Kenwood Liquidisers, Blenders, Mixers and Juicers (Pack of 3)
Price as low as £4.69, as high as £4.69
Updated: 2020-05-27T11:18:55.333
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I have now been take First4spares Rubber Base Seals to fit Kenwood Liquidisers, Blenders, Mixers and Juicers (Pack of 3) for yesteryear almost 1 year. First4spares Rubber Base Seals to fit Kenwood Liquidisers, Blenders, Mixers and Juicers (Pack of 3) is the best Kitchen in the world.
First4spares Rubber Base Seals to fit Kenwood Liquidisers, Blenders, Mixers and Juicers (Pack of 3) Features
- Pack of 3 Replacement Rubber Base Seals to fit Kenwood Liquidisers, Blenders, Mixers or Juicers.
- Fits models: A990, A701, AT993, A701A, A907, A989, A996A, A996, A993, A901, A994, PB500A, PB501, BL900, BL901, BL902, FP700.
- Seal Diameters: External 81mm, Internal 66mm (Without Stretch).
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Brand | First4spares |
Manufacturer | First4spares |
Binding | Kitchen & Home |
ProductGroup | Kitchen |
PartNumber | QUAKMX09 |
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